i love cities. i love their bustle, their vitality, their people. i especially love the way that cities harbour vibrant subcultures, how anyone can find their niche if they work hard enough.
i arrived in london nauseous, exhausted, and sore from a long plain ride, and the panic attack i had before even getting on the plane. even though i was still nervous once the plane landed, i now was able to put it aside, because i had to concentrate on getting myself to my hostel. that's something i've noticed about travel already - when in doubt, force yourself into motion, and you won't be able to concentrate on your nerves anymore.
i spent my time in london walking. i walked and walked, went back to the hostel and bandaged my bruised and blistered feet, and walked some more. wandering the city rather haphazardly, and happily going back to places i'd enjoyed. this means i missed out on a lot of sights - i never made it to camden town, for instance, and both times i tried the globe a play was in progress, but i refused to stress about it, telling myself that i'd come back, i could see it later. it's bigger and denser than any city i'd ever been in before, and i got lost countless times, but it was all part of london's charm, and i found some lovely places i'd otherwise never have noticed.